Our core program in Psychoanalysis takes place over a minimum of five years through the long established threefold process of psychoanalytic training: Didactic Seminars, Personal Psychoanalysis, and Supervised Clinical Work, resulting in certification as a Psychoanalyst.

Didactic Seminars involve core and elective topics and casework oriented seminars. The seminars expose candidates to a spectrum of theoretical perspectives providing a broad understanding of psychoanalytic history, current theory building, and clinical application. Continuous case conferences offer the opportunity to integrate theory with technique, as candidates present casework within a group setting.

Personal Analysis is the cornerstone of analytic training, providing an experiential understanding of the value of the psychoanalytic process as it facilitates one’s professional and personal development.

Supervised Clinical Work offers the opportunity to apply psychoanalytic techniques in clinical work under the supervision of senior training analysts. Supervisors for those cases may be any qualified analyst who meets the Training Committee’s approval.

This NPI program offers training courses in both the theory and practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. 

The first year is open to applicants who are interested in understanding psychoanalytic thinking about human development and relationships. Both theoretical and clinical applications are presented concurrently so that students can see how psychoanalytic thought translates into psychotherapy. Coursework includes didactic courses incorporating theory and clinical application, supervised practice, and case discussions, explicating transference, countertransference, and unconscious processes.

Individuals who successfully complete one of our one year programs and receive certification in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for children, adults and couples often continue on to achieve full certification in psychoanalysis. Students also have the option of further training in psychoanalytic study groups and NPI extension courses. For this reason, the topic-oriented courses are designed to articulate with those programs.


  • Complete personal training analysis through the second control case and 400 hours.
  • Complete 50 hours of pre-matriculation supervision designed to facilitate analytic thinking with patients.

  • Complete 3 supervised control cases with approval of the Faculty Training Committee.
  • Complete required courses for Certificate in Psychoanalysis: 40 courses (20 core courses, 10 elective courses, 10 case conferences)

  • Complete a clinical paper or clinical project with theoretical integration. The certification paper or project is a non-published clinical paper protected by the constraints of confidentiality.

Start your application today.

Are you ready to make a profound impact on your life and the lives of others? Don’t miss this opportunity to become a skilled psychoanalyst. Apply now and take the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling career.

Psychologists, MFTs and LCSWs: The Newport Psychoanalytic Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Newport Psychoanalytic Institute maintains responsibility for this course series and its content. Full attendance is required for psychologists to receive credit; partial credit may not be awarded based on APA guidelines. This course series does not have any commercial support interest for sponsors, instructors, content of instruction, or any other relationship that could reasonably be construed as a conflict of interest.